Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am writing , or I should say 'creating', this blog from a sort of a "spur of the moment" experience.  As I was laying in bed last night, I began to think and question myself "How can I get my ideas out there? How can I really let everyone know the truth that they are not getting?"  And then it came to me: I make a blog and discuss it there!  This silly blogger account would be perfect to use, as I have had it for years without really using it.  So last night I made  the decision that I would set it up ASAP and get working on decent posts in due time.

Thus, it brings me to my Cisco class.  Right now, I am writing this as the teacher is talking about subnetting and the works.  I should be listening, but hey, I said I had to do it ASAP, and I definitely can't wait till tonight as I am going to be busy (in fact I don't think I will step back into my house until tomorrow early morning) .  This post is more a less a bit more structured introduction to what and why I am doing this, and for you, the reader, to get to know me.

I have been doing a lot of research into Creationism/Evolution debate, and through it all I have realized how passionate I am about learning and teaching the science of Creation.  I simply can't contain myself just reading articles on it. I want to contribute!  To help the cause of Creation!  And this is the only logical way I can do it (remember I am just a student who isn't even allowed to get a job during school year!).  Just to make it clear I am a very firm believer of Creationism through history, science and scripture.  I also understand this blog will not achieve billions of views, or even thousands for that matter, but that is not the whole point of this.  It is here simply for me to contribute no matter how little or how much it does.  

I would also like to note I get a great deal of my information and blog ideas from the following sites: A very good resource site for all Creationism needs. Highly recommend as it very laymen orientated Not as good as AiG, but it still has some valuable information  A very technical site.  Good for people who understand all the terms used in Creationism and science Ken Ham's blog (creator of AiG)  Some very interesting ideas and stories in here.

Aside from the main focus of this blog, it will also help my english riting (I'm just playing; writing) abilities, which truly do need help.  I also am going to actually research, study, write out, proofread, and overall make a quality blog. As of right now, I have no idea how many blogs I am going to put out, but I am planning of about a blog a week as that seems like the magical number for most bloggers.

Final note, I provided a little description about myself in the about me. However, I didn't provide a very in depth detail about me. What I can say at this very moment is I will update my profile as much as I can, as soon as I can. I kinda suck at writing about mes just because I feel so cheesy doing it.  But I guess it is kind of important, so I will hop onto it asap.

I am very glad I was able to get this post out before my day was over, and hopefully I will have my first blog out sometime this week, or possibly (and hopefully) this weekend sometime.



JC Lamont said...

When you first started out with "I am writing, or should I say 'creating'..." I thought you were going to say this blog just sprang out of cyber-space due to random chance and that it has no author and that any readable text is also by random chance -- that would be hilarious. Maybe I should do that, lol.

Ooh -- by the way, try to keep most posts to 250 - 400 words, with a max of 700 words. Longer than that, people only skim, and may not come back.

If you have long posts -- I know, creationsim takes quite a bit of verbiage to defend, break it up over the course of a week.

Eric said...

Ok, thanks for the tips. I know a couple of them got really long, so I will definitely shorten them down. Thanks :D

Adam said...

Well it sure is nice to see that you get a lot of your information from non-Scientists, so you can have an opinion on science. That is a very wise decision, that way you can ignore what the actual scientific experts say.

I've also read just about every post so far and basically none of them have to do with science. So, I'm really curious as to if you will ever address the actual SCIENCE behind creationism, since you haven't really talked about that.

Eric said...

Every single one of my posts have been backed up with science. Not every single one of them are involved with empirical science, but with philosophy-which is a science.

It doesn't matter what I write or how well I present it, you will look right past it with an arrogant attitude and say that it is wrong without giving it a second glance. The pompous attitude you have is incredibly hard to show any truth too, no matter how pure it is.

Adam said...

"Every single one of my posts have been backed up with science. Not every single one of them are involved with empirical science, but with philosophy-which is a science."

Philosophy is NOT a science. Who in the world told you that? Without emprical proof, there is NO proof. If you are not using the empirical method then you are NOT doing science. Notice how philosophy does not end in "ology".

"It doesn't matter what I write or how well I present it, you will look right past it with an arrogant attitude and say that it is wrong without giving it a second glance. The pompous attitude you have is incredibly hard to show any truth too, no matter how pure it is."

Yes, it DOES matter what you write. If you wrote something based on science we could have a good discussion about how you drew the conclusion you did (and I would actually be pretty nice about it). Unfortunately reading stuff by people like Ken Ham (not a scientist) is going to cloud your judgment on so much stuff. It isn't pure, it's not truth... it's a lie and misinformation this person is spreading. You've, sadly, just been taken in by it.

And to give you some food for thought, why do you think I'm being arrogant and hammering you with how wrong you are? Did it ever occur to you that your blog and posts are ridiculously arrogant. Look at what your attitude is towards atheism, you outright reject any thought I could have and present people like me to be absolute fools. So you really should take that into consideration before you complain about me being arrogant. My arrogance is a direct response to yours, unfortunately I can actually back up what I say with proof.

Based on your Blog entries I would say your a stuck up 18 year old kid who thinks he knows everything there is to know about the world. Your words, however, reflect very little about the information on the natural world.