Monday, December 22, 2008

A creator not so impossible?

I was recently listening to the John Lennox and Richard Dawkins debate over Richard Dawkins new book "The God Delusion"

A single comment that really got me was when Richard Dawkins said "everything we see around us is a manufactured item and very tempting to believe the cosmos is too. (paraphrased)"

I don't mean to be rude but, duh. Why is it impossible that the universe, which is so carefully and beautifully made, not have a creator? Just as the most beautiful and majestic buildings have intelligent designers, why can't our universe have them too?


JC Lamont said...

I'm sure you've heard of Richard Dawkins' now renowned, long-winded, loquaciously garrulous paragraph of insults against the Judeo-Christian God.

Well, just tonight I came up with this:

The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most pleasant deity of the ancient world; protective and proud of it; a meticulous, just, forgiving, structure-advocate; a pragmatic, impartially-symbiotic ethnic creator; a women-avenging, sexuality-designing, orphan-protecting, child-defending, slave-respecting, justice-enforcing, empathetic, long-suffering guardian.

And just to beat him to it, I also wrote this:

The God of the New Testament is arguably the most sacrificial of religious founders; impartial and proud of it; a religious-hypocrisy intolerant; an ardent, prayer-engrossed temple cleanser; a women-dignifying, child-elevating, enemy-loving, torturer-forgiving, disease-healing, soul-saving, life-giving, death-conquering, sin-paying liberator.

Eric said...

Well put JC Lamont. It is a good counter to what Mr. Dawkins said. Every side has it's bias, so to be fair everyone should see the two sides to it. Of course his side is a severely corrupted view.

By the way, you have quite the vocabulary. I see you're a writer, so that explains it. I imagine you are quite the writer too.