Saturday, December 13, 2008

Evolutionists complain of a God with no love

One of the most classic cases one will hear from an Evolutionists is our God is not such a loving God as we would like to think. Of course, being the Creationists Christians we are, and them being the God-Hating (or denying) Atheists, they would know more about the Bible than we would. Regardless of how absurd that is, I will still address it.

The claim is, if God is such a benevolent being, then why does he send people to hell? Why does he let people die? Why is there death/pain/destruction at all? This is all easily explained in two points.

One, as humans we have complete free will. God will not force you to go to heaven if you don't want to. He won't force you to do anything you don't want to do (Atheists can easily attest to this). If you refuse to believe in God, no problem. Just don't expect a ticket into Heaven.

Two, the world was originally created without sin. It was perfection. However, the master deceiver was running around (Satan) and tricked Eve, who then tricked Adam in turn. This is when sin entered the world, and all this death, disease, genetic mutations came into play. But before you go blaming Eve for her stupidity remember the Devil is the master deceiver. Look at the worlds top scientists now. There surprising faith towards a "theory" that "eliminates" God from the picture. Nice one Lucipher!

The most ironic part of this all is how little Evolutionists seem to even understand there own ideology! Evolution thrives on millions of years of death, weakness, murder, and disease. How then can Evolutionists complain about a God who doesn't love! Their world view is exactly everything they claim the Christian God of being! And for these exact reasons is why they a lot of Atheists can't stand the thought of a creator of man.

Again, the double-mindness of Atheism and refusal to admit there is a creator nabs them in the butt. From their claims as to why there can't be a benevolent creator they create their own God own all the supposed fallacies of our God.


JC Lamont said...

In regards to the question, "A loving God wouldn't send people to hell?" reword it as such: A loving God doesn't want anyone to go to hell, that's why He left heaven and came here to be toruted and killed by us.

Well, that was a bit more graphic than I originally intended, but you get the point.

Eric said...

Good point. I just made a new blog addressing that exact point a little bit better in an better light and understanding.

But I'll make the changes to this blog to get around any negative connotations

Adam said...

I don't think you really understand what the word "atheist" actually means. They do NOT create their own God.

Secondly you complain about how Atheists make comments related to your religion, yet they are not part of the faith. Well how about YOU start putting this into action. I won't make comments about your religion to you if you don't make any comments about science. That means you can't hold an opinion on ANY scientific process EVER again. Since you aren't a scientist and you dismiss science, you're not allowed to have an opinion about it.

Actually, since, apparently, I can't read the Bible and have an opinion on it... even if you do read books on science you are not allowed to write any posts maligning science. If I ever believed you could hold to this, I'd stop posting.

Eric said...

"Well how about YOU start putting this into action. I won't make comments about your religion to you if you don't make any comments about science. That means you can't hold an opinion on ANY scientific process EVER again. Since you aren't a scientist and you dismiss science, you're not allowed to have an opinion about it."

Bible has more science in it than what you know apparently. Actually I believe if we follow your logic, you can't discuss anything relating to Christianity OR Science as God created the laws of science to govern the universe.

Adam said...

"Bible has more science in it than what you know apparently. Actually I believe if we follow your logic, you can't discuss anything relating to Christianity OR Science as God created the laws of science to govern the universe."

Wrong. You have no data to support such a claim. The Bible's explanations and claims defy physics, geology, evolution, genetics, and on a grander scale mathematics. I would venture to guess that my grasp of these subjects far exceed that of the Bible. However, what exactly does the Bible tell me about things like Calculus, where are the equations and proofs? Where is the formula for kinetic energy and thermodynamics as described in the Bible. Even better, where is the formula that explains the way gravitation works EVERYWHERE in the universe. I would love to see it's explanations on a singularity.

You clearly do not understand the laws of science or what they say and imply if you are making the claim that God created them. If you thought that, then you'd believe in evolution 100% and understand the Bible is very inaccurate when it tells of the origins of the human species and just about anyting in relation to cosmology.

My logic was just for you and me, I made no claim about it applying to the Bible. You are the one adding that claim. So, you are wrong on that point as well.

Eric said...

The Bible is not a science textbook either. It is absolute truth, so answers to be found should start at the Bible, where no corruption lies.

It is ignorant to think the Bible would have exact formulas to equations in it. God told man to take dominion of the Earth and use it to praise him. If he gave all the tough answers out already, what point would there be in giving man dominion of Earth?

Adam said...

"The Bible is not a science textbook either. It is absolute truth, so answers to be found should start at the Bible, where no corruption lies."

Wow... this will sound offensive, but I think this is one of the most insane things you've said yet. It's as if you don't fully understand what it is you actually say with your own words. I can't believe you find the Bible to be absolute truth when it promotes things like rape, or stoning people for some of the most ridiculous nonsensical things ever conceived by the human species. This isn't corrupt? It's a good idea to stone your children if they disobey? Are you kidding me? Have you even read the Bible? Seriously? I mean, I've read that book and some of things in there are absolutely idiotic.

The Bible at one point says the Earth is on Pillars. How exactly is this absolute truth? Or are you one of those crazy people who believe going into outer space is just a hoax of the U.S. government? It also describes the Earth as a circle, which it's not, it's a sphereoid and not a perfect one at that.

"It is ignorant to think the Bible would have exact formulas to equations in it. God told man to take dominion of the Earth and use it to praise him. If he gave all the tough answers out already, what point would there be in giving man dominion of Earth?"

No, it's not ignorant to think that. If you're going to sit over there and tell me the Bible has absolute truth, then it SHOULD have absolute truth. Otherwise it's corrupt and biased to ancient myths. Mathematical formulae would be the most absolute truth and language anyone could speak in. The Hebrews weren't ignorant of basic math, God could've thrown some intense stuff at them to try and figure out for the next thousand years. The actual math needed to describe a lot of stuff is very complex, so using some cop out of "if God gave the easy answers" is a stupid statement. It's the type of statement made by someone that doesn't truly understand or appreciate the methods of Integration or Implicit Differentiation and what you can solve with those kinds of methods.

As for the last statement... so God only made all this stuff so he could have a population of people to make him feel important by praising him? Seriously, that's pretty shallow. For such a super intelligent being, don't you think he wouldn't need the constant ego boost? It's such a childish and immature thing to need constant praise, nevermind the praise of an entire planet. You'd think he'd just want his creation to be happy, rather than enslaved to some perverse notion of praising him at all times. But I guess God just lacks that maturity level... ah well.

Eric said...

"I can't believe you find the Bible to be absolute truth when it promotes things like rape, or stoning people for some of the most ridiculous nonsensical things ever conceived by the human species."

Just because a book contains something bad does not mean it promotes it. Surely you must know this. The Bible is one of the few books that actually show the entire picture, the good with the bad and even shows how the 'heros' throughout the books can fall to sin too. I also doubt you read the passages in any context what-so-ever. Again here is a case of go-to-a-website-to-tell-me-how-dumb-the-bible-is-so-I-don't-have-to-do-any-research-on-my-own.

"If you're going to sit over there and tell me the Bible has absolute truth, then it SHOULD have absolute truth. "

It is still absolute truth no matter how general or specific the Bible gets on a specific issue. If I say the sky is Blue and then I also say the sky is blue because that is the light being reflected I am right in both cases. The sky is indeed blue. However the second example has more detail but both are still right. So my point stands. It is ignorant to think the Bible would and should carry exact formulas.

"s for the last statement... so God only made all this stuff so he could have a population of people to make him feel important by praising him? Seriously, that's pretty shallow. For such a super intelligent being, don't you think he wouldn't need the constant ego boost? It's such a childish and immature thing to need constant praise, nevermind the praise of an entire planet."

You speak as if you know the nature of God. You have no idea what is in the Bible and have no idea how God is. It is dangerous to comment on how you think something should work with no knowledge of the situation.

Adam said...

"Just because a book contains something bad does not mean it promotes it. Surely you must know this. The Bible is one of the few books that actually show the entire picture, the good with the bad and even shows how the 'heros' throughout the books can fall to sin too. "

You haven't read many books have you?

"I also doubt you read the passages in any context what-so-ever. Again here is a case of go-to-a-website-to-tell-me-how-dumb-the-bible-is-so-I-don't-have-to-do-any-research-on-my-own."

What in the fuck are you talking about? I haven't read it in context? Great, so now you're me. Based on my comments you've assumed I got it from a website? What's wrong with you?

"It is still absolute truth no matter how general or specific the Bible gets on a specific issue. If I say the sky is Blue and then I also say the sky is blue because that is the light being reflected I am right in both cases. The sky is indeed blue. However the second example has more detail but both are still right. So my point stands. It is ignorant to think the Bible would and should carry exact formulas."

So, basically you didn't understand the implications of what I stated in relation to mathematics? Got it. Anyway, it DOES matter, because the Bible is wrong about specific physical statements. Such as the order in which the Sun comes in Genesis. Or that Noah's flood does not correlate with the physical evidence we see on Earth.

"You speak as if you know the nature of God. You have no idea what is in the Bible and have no idea how God is. It is dangerous to comment on how you think something should work with no knowledge of the situation."

I have no idea what is in the Bible? Really? Based on my comments how do you judge that? Based on your commentary it's very clear you don't think logically or know much about science, I can say that because I know about the topics you're attempting to speak about. However, you and I haven't delved into a deeper discussion on Biblical literacy, so how exactly do you know if I have or have not read the book?