Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pascal's Wager vs. Atheistic Wager

There is a famous gamble made by a man named Blaise Pascal. Essentially, his wager is there is no harm in believing in God. If you are wrong and God is not real-oh well. You lived a righteous life. If you are right and He is real, you made a great choice. If you are right and God isn't real then you lived a life of no morals doing whatever you want. However if you are wrong and He is real, then you are spending an eternity in a torture, fiery place called Hell. By my calculations this bet is 100% fail-safe. Why aren't more people believing it? It could be a bunch of factors such as having to live a life with morals or it could be they are counting on their own wager: The Atheistic Wager.

The Atheistic Wager is a belief that there is no point in believing in God. Live however you want. If God is real, then he is also benevolent and accept everyone into heaven. This sounds real appetizing and an "answer" to atheistic prayer giving them a reason not to believe. However, this has one very serious flaw to it.

By using the Atheistic Wager, Atheists (and non-believers to I suppose) can ignore God till they die. Thats when they assume they will be sent to heaven. However, the entire time they were living, God has been true meaning the Bible and everything inside of it is true to. Ultimately, their wager is forced to accept God as a very real Creator in order to hold any water. If they must accept Christianity is true then must accept what is written about life after death. That quite frankly says that the road to heaven is very narrow and the ONLY way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ as your savior. The Atheists ignored this part largely due to their ignorance and will find themselves in hell as they are only willing to accept some of Christianity in their wager.