Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I concede my Young Earth Creationists views. Evolution is true and I have been given undeniable evidence!

Yea, it's true guys. I have been given irrefutable evidence against special creation and it in fact proves Evolution through mutations are quite true. I will show my enlightenment to you too.

The Evolution of Transportation

We start with simple wheels on our feet:

Over the eons of making those same rollerblades, and through chance mistakes in producing them, we somehow added enough material to create a extra large, but better supportive wheel:

Again, through millions of chance mistakes, we added another wheel.

Now extra strength to the frame, and a complex motorized engine has been added. Remember, this has been through random, non-intelligent mistakes we are causing to what we previously were building to add complexity to it.

Ahh! The pinnacle of the two wheels. This will be the last time we see this in our evoulutionary process of transportation

Now we enter the era of three-wheels. This is a short lived period but a shining example of chance.
We now have reached a four-wheel vehicle that has all-weather conditions. The processes are so complex that I would say a divine being created it, but of course that is against what I believe. In Evolution I believe!
And finally, through the billions years of producing parts and accidently putting them together thus creating newer, better inventions with increasing complexity and order, we get to Optimus Prime. The greatest example nature will ever have to show of the power of making mistakes:

Yes, through random, chancy mutations over the course of billions of years we evolved from simple roller skates to Optimus Prime. Where did all the resources come for this extra information? I don't know, but it just does. And that is what is taught as fact....lol.

Does that series of pictures look ridiculous? That is what our "educated" scientists say is how humans came to be. Interesting when in a different light, huh?

Why God is not intolerant

So often I hear the remark, "If God is so benelovent then why does he send people to hell?" or "If God is so benelovent, why does he have such intolerance in my (non)christian beliefs and send me to hell for that?"

A very simple answer to this that is quite logical and fits well within God's benelovence:

Why would God force you to spend an eternity with him when you have been denying him your whole life?

If anything you should be thanking him for his benelovence pouring out. He is doing you a service-finally granting your eternal seperation from your Creator to spend an eternity in hell.

Think about it.