Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Hiatus :(

Hi everyone!

I know it has been a very long time (nearly 9 months) since I have last written a blog. I really do want to keep this going, but it is difficult to do with school. Of course I choose to go to a University that isn't as easy as high school (I joke). So basically, I am here to say that I probably won't roll out a blog post any time soon, however I really, really want to and it has been itching me for a while now.

I figure what could be a decent trade off is write about a couple good Apologists that came to UofM (one of the advantages of being in college ha) in this post and what I thought about them. I suppose I could also give a general life update too and my future plans for this blog.

So, a while back, sometime in October I think, Frank Turek came to speak at UofM. Essentially his argument was about the truth of the New Testament and thus the validity of Jesus as who he claimed to be. His talk was very engaging and informative, and had a real air of confidence. I was thoroughly impressed by his speaking abilities. Of course being the liberal school we are, a humanism club was fortunate enough to attend the meeting also. These guys really made the meeting a fantastic experience because they offered legitimate counters to what Mr. Turek was saying. At the end of the meeting, there was a Q&A session and there was a non-stop slew of questions from the humanist club who asked the question based on major (The bio major asked questions about evolution). I thought Frank Turek did an incredible job at answering every question and offering a more-that-satisfactory counter-argument. Overall, I thought the meeting was hugely successful and made me buy his book: I don't have enough Faith to Be an Atheist. I would highly recommend that book to absolutely anyone no matter where you are in the faith or where you aren't in the faith. The book brand new was only about 15$.

I figured I should talk about the experience that is really pushing me back into doing this blog. I went to Panama City Beach this past spring break not to party, but to evangelize. I must say I was very nervous at first, but got more used to it and had an awesome time in Florida. My faith really grew and that was when I felt that God really wants me to do apologetics. For large portions of both the ride down and back up, we discussed apologetics. It really opened my eyes to the passion I have for this stuff and truly made it clear to me that I should keep doing stuff related to it. And for that reason I am going to stop worrying about choosing a career that pays well and choose a career the Lord can really use me and something I have a passion about. This Friday I am going to meet with my Academic Advisor and tell her that I like doing Christian Apologetics and ask her what classes I should take.

So, finally, what the purpose of this blog is going to be: I am going to use it just like I have been doing before. I am going to post something about a particular idea that has been weighing on me and give it an apologetic spin. I don't know how regular it will be, but I really want to at least do one a month until the summer when I have a lot more time.

So that's the update. Like I said, I am really wanting to keep this up more so you can expect to see more posts. FYI, I have like 12 ideas saved as drafts, so there is always something I can post.




Unknown said...

Yay, you better be fact while you're at it, you should come over to as well. ;)

I finished I Don't Have Enough To Be An Atheist btw. And this is Jen Nung btw, just to make it entirely clear.

Eric said...

Yea, I was totally confused who you were ha. What is your xanga?

Unknown said..., xanga is way cooler than blogger \m/

Eric said...

Sweet, I will have to check it out. I didn't think of xanga, but my google account is linked in this one so that is really nice

Unknown said...

Yeah, well blogger sucks...xanga will get you way more traffic if you get the right people reading your work.

Admittedly, though, a great amount of people on Xanga are quite childish and dumb as well as compared to blogger.