No matter which world view you subscribe to, denying God is impossible. How can that be even with evolution which SUPPOSEDLY gets rid of the need for a creator? Simple. Evolutionary Theory states that we evolved from a very simple single-cell organism to what we are now-a very complicated and diverse creature with many functions and most of all a conscious. If we were to keep in line with how evolution works (upward progression), we will keep getting smarter, more intelligent, higher conscious until we are Gods ourselves. With enough time our brains will become so strong that we will become very powerful-powerful enough to even create another universe to play with.
Think about it. Even if you are a die hard Evolutionists this scenario is very real. How can you prove that something of that sort didn't happen to us in this universe? Another species on another planet evolved to such a powerful level that it created this universe and then evolution starts over again. In fact this is right up Evolutionists alley, as this theory is impossible to prove except through time itself. And we all know those are the best kind of theories evolutionists like to propose.
Either way, you must bow your head to a creator. No matter which view you subscribe to, there is a Creator called God.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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You don't understand how evolution works. The human ape species is changing but not improving very much, because people who get diseases are living long enough to reproduce and pass on their genes, thanks to modern medicine.
You should read this book. It's easy to understand, a pleasure to read, and you will learn what you need to know to call yourself educated.
"Why Evolution is True" by Jerry Coyne, published in 2009.
By the way, the name of your blog, "creationism is science", is bullshit because creationism is bullshit.
This is 2009, not the Dark Ages.
"Either way, you must bow your head to a creator."
I should bow to your invisible friend?
I'm going to give you a benefit of a doubt and forgive your idiocy because you're very young.
Hi bobxxxx. Before I start, may I ask how you found me? Just curious?
As for the name is unneeded to be perfectly honest. I am sure you can get your point across just fine with out.
As for not understanding how evolution works I would have to disagree. Sure I am not a PhD in the studies but I know the general and some specifics of the mechanics.
"The human ape species is changing but not improving very much, because people who get diseases are living long enough to reproduce and pass on their genes, thanks to modern medicine."
This sounds exactly how evolution works. Long periods of time will create a new species through chancy mutations. So my point still stands, humans will become God's (super-powered minds) after periods of time.
You are wrong about your notions of how evolution works. Evolution, at no point in time, says humans will evolve into having god like abilities. What in the world have you been reading that says such a thing?
Given the extinction rates of species, I would venture to say evolution will never bring anything to this point... but you'd have to understand how life on this planet works. So, in other words, no, your point doesn't stand.
"Evolution, at no point in time, says humans will evolve into having god like abilities."
Really? Then why bother look for aliens. If they are more intelligent than us, then they are one step closer to a God-like creature. And what if they found even smarter lifeforms? Then there is a species even closer to God-like abilities.
We begot life from non-life-an impressive feat. Then this single-celled organism, through time, became an incredibly smart and organized creature through millions of years. Saying the evolution ends now is pleading ignorance or lack of faith in what you believe.
"Really? Then why bother look for aliens. If they are more intelligent than us, then they are one step closer to a God-like creature. And what if they found even smarter lifeforms? Then there is a species even closer to God-like abilities. "
That doesn't even make any sense. Just because a species has a higher capicity for intelligence doesn't make it god-like. Intelligence =/= supernatural powers. Typically the search of higher intelligent aliens is denoted by how well they weild technology or solve problems like long distance space travel. That has NOTHING to do with being God-like.
In all likely hood the first "alien" species we find will be bacteria at a microbial level, I would hardly consider these having god-like powers.
"We begot life from non-life-an impressive feat. Then this single-celled organism, through time, became an incredibly smart and organized creature through millions of years. Saying the evolution ends now is pleading ignorance or lack of faith in what you believe."
What in the world are you talking about? I never said evolution ends now, evolution is still going on as we speak. I have no idea how you think "intelligence" is transferred in an evolutionary concept. Because evolution doesn't necessarily create more intelligent beings every iteration, it creates beings that are better able to survive in their environment. A bug that can eat wood and gets isolated in a plastics factory then starts evolving to eat plastic doesn't mean the bug's intellect has increased, it just means it has adapted to its new environment.
even though I think that a sufficiently evolved / advanced being may be indistinguishable from a god (to paraphrase Clarke's 3rd law), that has nothing to do with what you are saying. "Creating a universe" is, of course, an incredibly naive notion. If some highly advanced species can genetically engineer new life forms, then you can talk about a creator, but that's just about it. Even such beings would only be deities depending on the definition; a christian god - like entity is impossible. If you want to believe in Panspermia, or even that humans in particular were created by a super alien species, go ahead. It's amazingly improbable, but not impossible. However, believing in a god such as the one described in the bible, is ridiculous.
oh, and of course, the fact that Panspermia is, even remotely, possible, is by no means proof of an impossibility to deny god. Nor does it cancel evolution. Nor does it negate the fact that the end result would be unpredictable. So, no, it is extremely easy to deny god.
"That doesn't even make any sense. Just because a species has a higher capicity for intelligence doesn't make it god-like."
Makes plenty of sense. A creator has to be incredibly smart to create something-or at least more intelligent than what it created. If you keep advancing a species intelligence then it will reach a super power at some point.
"I have no idea how you think "intelligence" is transferred in an evolutionary concept."
We started off as a single-celled organism. We now have humans. There is an advancement of intelligence somewhere in there.
"If some highly advanced species can genetically engineer new life forms, then you can talk about a creator, but that's just about it. "
This is God. Not labeled as advanced species because he was the first. You and Adam seem to be at odds here as to what high level of intelligence entails.
["If some highly advanced species can genetically engineer new life forms, then you can talk about a creator, but that's just about it. "]
-"This is God. Not labeled as advanced species because he was the first. You and Adam seem to be at odds here as to what high level of intelligence entails."
No. That's not god. It's Victor Frankenstein.
One such being can be viewed as a god by its Creature. Are you saying that your "god" is a highly advanced alien species, product of evolution, that engineered life on earth and can't possibly have anything to do with creating the universe? If yes, I accept it as a plausible, but practically impossible view. Still, much better than a timeless magician.
My only disagreement with Adam is one of definition. I say that an entity which would be immortal or with a huge lifespan, and would have the ability to engineer new life forms, or destroy entire planets with super guns, could be classified as gods, since they would have attributes that humans have throughout history, assigned to gods. Of course, he's right that there would be nothing supernatural about it, as is the case with the definition of the christian god. I said it in accordance with Clarke's 3rd law, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Clearly, this refers to the less advanced viewer.
"Makes plenty of sense. A creator has to be incredibly smart to create something-or at least more intelligent than what it created. If you keep advancing a species intelligence then it will reach a super power at some point."
Then why can some computers out-think humans as noted in the chess match with IBM's Big Blue. As someone who wants to venture into computer science, you really should know about this stuff.
So, no, it doesn't make sense what you're trying to say.
"We started off as a single-celled organism. We now have humans. There is an advancement of intelligence somewhere in there."
No, that's NOT how evolution works. Stop trying to use this argument. Where exactly is this "intelligence" you prize so highly?
Your placing a value judgment on "intelligence" which has nothing to do with how evolution would come up with intelligence. Iterations of evolving creatures don't necessarily HAVE to develop larger brains with better processing power. Otherwise insects would go extinct instantly and those are the oldest organisms in existence, they would be archaic mentally by your standards.
"This is God. Not labeled as advanced species because he was the first. You and Adam seem to be at odds here as to what high level of intelligence entails."
No we're not. He's arguing from the point of view if brain power were to increase towards a limit of infinity, I'm arguing the point of view that it doesn't have to. We're not at odds, we're going in slightly different directions, but you, not knowing how evolution works, wouldn't understand it.
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