Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Tools Required

We know atoms exist. Can we see them? Of course not. But we KNOW they are there, creating the reactions we need to survive. Even back in 400 B.C. Democritus knew there had to be something smaller than the smallest thing he could see. How else could the piece of cheese stay together then?

This would seem like blind faith to many. Why on earth would you be so sure there are atoms present when you haven't even seen them yourself! I am sure many, many people in the world today have never seen actual atoms. But they don't believe simply because they just "know" there are atoms, they believe because they see the effects of them.

Not until the 1930's did humans ever see these atoms. They knew they were there simply by the effects atoms had. They understood the properties and reactive abilities of atoms, could give rough estimates of how one looked, but never saw one. Only though an electron microscope, a tool, could humans finally see the atom itself.

God is all around us. We have never seen God, yet we believe in him. Why? Because we can see the effects of God all around us. From the acute tuning of all life one Earth to interact so precisely with one another to the benevolent care he provides and the blessings he pours out. We know he is there. But in order to truly see God, you need to use a certain tool just like the electron microscope is needed to see atoms. The Bible is the most important tool to all of man. Without it we can't see God's nature at all. We can see his characteristics through general observation (such as he was a master engineer, physicist, mathematician etc.), but never get a real reading on how to come to know him and what he requires us to do until we look into our 'microscope' and actually study him.


Adam said...

So, I'm going to venture that you don't actually know very much about Atomic Theory or particle physics... other than maybe concepts around hypothesese concerning Natural Philosophy, which were hugely inaccurate when it came to actual applied Atomic Theory.

I also find it incredibly hilarious that you don't seem to reject Atomic Theory, but you insist on rejecting the Theory of Evolution and we have pretty much the same amount of evidence to support both scientific Theories.

You crack me up man. You really should pursue some college level classes in Evolutionary Biology, Calculus, and Physics. The way you represent these things is so skewed it's just funny.

Eric said...

Can you see individual atoms without a tool? I am going to guess not.

Same deal with God. You will have a real difficult-impossible-time seeing God without a tool-the Bible.

I will be honest, I don't know a ton about science in every field. I know general ideas. However, this post wasn't a scientific one, but more of a philosophical viewpoint with facts of science sprinkled in-not a journal.

Adam said...

Well you got your facts of science wrong then.

The Atomic Theory, in terms of science, wasn't a theory until much later. For well over a thousand years it was a part of philosophy, NOT science. When the ancient Greeks discussed things like "atoms", that was part of philosophy, not science. But you don't present it that way here.

Even when the proper scientific hypothesis was developed it wasn't proven until we could see them. However, later on part of the atomic theory was proven wrong. People thought the atom was the smallest element. Then when we started putting these things into atom smashers we later discovered Quarks and then Quantum Theory was developed.

Your analogy of a tool is a bit strange, as many things can't be done without tools. Like building a house. You can't really see bacteria without a microscope either. But these aren't faith based concepts as you attempt to imply.

Prior to physical proof it is a hypothesis. The Bible will never give you physical proof, to anyone who reads it. The belief is faith based, because faith doesn't have physical proof. That's the whole point of faith. That's why your anology doesn't work. The Bible isn't going to magically give someone physical proof or literally show them God. It doesn't work that way. That's why it's a belief (or religion), NOT a science. If it was a science you'd have physical proof of it happening, just like we have physical proof of Evolution happening. But we don't have physical proof of ANY religion happening.

Eric said...

"But we don't have physical proof of ANY religion happening."

You are clearly ignoring the my point. Just like you need some tool to see atoms or to view specific light lengths you need a tool to see God. I can only show you so much. You can only be shown so much. But you will NEVER see anything with out using the Bible to see the effects of God.

Adam said...

Well I've read the Bible. I get it. But how much have you read on atomic and particle physics? How much have you read on studying scientists that work on the accelerators?

You seem to keep bringing up scientific topics, but you know so little about them. You try to use them in a way to high-light some nonsense related to the Bible, when there is no logical correlation.

You should add taking a Logic course in college, to the list you've already got groing from me.