Monday, December 22, 2008

A creator not so impossible?

I was recently listening to the John Lennox and Richard Dawkins debate over Richard Dawkins new book "The God Delusion"

A single comment that really got me was when Richard Dawkins said "everything we see around us is a manufactured item and very tempting to believe the cosmos is too. (paraphrased)"

I don't mean to be rude but, duh. Why is it impossible that the universe, which is so carefully and beautifully made, not have a creator? Just as the most beautiful and majestic buildings have intelligent designers, why can't our universe have them too?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Evolutionists complain of a God with no love

One of the most classic cases one will hear from an Evolutionists is our God is not such a loving God as we would like to think. Of course, being the Creationists Christians we are, and them being the God-Hating (or denying) Atheists, they would know more about the Bible than we would. Regardless of how absurd that is, I will still address it.

The claim is, if God is such a benevolent being, then why does he send people to hell? Why does he let people die? Why is there death/pain/destruction at all? This is all easily explained in two points.

One, as humans we have complete free will. God will not force you to go to heaven if you don't want to. He won't force you to do anything you don't want to do (Atheists can easily attest to this). If you refuse to believe in God, no problem. Just don't expect a ticket into Heaven.

Two, the world was originally created without sin. It was perfection. However, the master deceiver was running around (Satan) and tricked Eve, who then tricked Adam in turn. This is when sin entered the world, and all this death, disease, genetic mutations came into play. But before you go blaming Eve for her stupidity remember the Devil is the master deceiver. Look at the worlds top scientists now. There surprising faith towards a "theory" that "eliminates" God from the picture. Nice one Lucipher!

The most ironic part of this all is how little Evolutionists seem to even understand there own ideology! Evolution thrives on millions of years of death, weakness, murder, and disease. How then can Evolutionists complain about a God who doesn't love! Their world view is exactly everything they claim the Christian God of being! And for these exact reasons is why they a lot of Atheists can't stand the thought of a creator of man.

Again, the double-mindness of Atheism and refusal to admit there is a creator nabs them in the butt. From their claims as to why there can't be a benevolent creator they create their own God own all the supposed fallacies of our God.

Friday, December 12, 2008

King James Version


Biblical Accuracy? Absolutely!

One of the more well known stories of the bible is found in Sodom and Gomorrah. It speaks of the evil the people were living in and their eventual punishment for not repenting. God destroyed both cities with burning sulfur. The video goes to the site where Sodom and Gomorrah are located and what do they find? Lots of sulfur. I wonder why?

The bible is 100% true or 100% false. There is no in-between. The video shows very, very good evidence of what was recorded in the Bible to actually have happened. If this and countless other stories are credible, real events that happened, then why is it that there cannot be a God? It is simply wishful thinking of Atheists.

The Creation Museum

The Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky launched a special promotional deal with local Cincinnati Zoo which included an one day pass to both attractions for the combined price of $25.95 adult price thus saving a total of nine dollars. The promotion was meant to run from December 2nd to the 11th The zoo previously had a similar deal with the Cincinnati Reds, so the Creation Museum was not the first.

However, the deal did not go smoothly. After a mere 60 hours into the deal the zoo called it off. The reasoning? The massive amount of phone calls, e-mails, and in person complaints the zoo was receiving from Atheists/Freethinkers/Agnostics/Brights etc. The most traffic was received from a specific blog ran by the evolutionary biologist PZ Meyers. In this aggressive blog, Meyers goes as far as telling people to ruin this promotional deal. I just sit and wonder how anyone could do something like this. I understand completely that Creationism and Evolution don't get along to well, but to act so irrational and immature about it does not show any thought before action. I am certain that the only reason this had any objections at all by the evolutionary community (or more specifically Mr. Meyers and regardless that there are many other private organizations ran without state help in Cincinnati) is because is directly challenges the beliefs of so called "Evolution".

This brings me to my next point. So what? So what if there is a deal. Only the quote on quote "intelligent" humans are capable of believing Evolution, then why are they worried about the museum being open and having a deal with the zoo? I believe Evolutionists are scared of the open minded people out there. If they can eliminate the opposition, they will have no problems. Don't believe what you read out there. Evolution is not fact. It is a mere propaganda ploy. The evidence is not "solid" (as many like to claim, mainly out of their indoctrination through public schools) and what evidence they claim they have, upon closer examination, works just as well, if not better in Creationism model. The Creation Museum in Kentucky is a great way to expose people to a fair presentation of all the facts out there, not just the evolutionary biased ones.

Through all the absurd hatred for people who don't believe in Evolution, is the amount of attention Mr. Meyers himself dedicates his blog to attacking Christian beliefs. Instead of giving articles and discussion on mainly, atheistic items, he often discusses, links and gives decent publicity to Creationism articles/links/discussions. Regardless if he is attacking/mocking the articles, he is giving them much attention that could easily persuade the weak minded evolutionists just through exposure to outside facts! The most amazing thing I have witnessed on the site, however, is these secular groups across the nation wanting to make a trip to the Creation Museum. Of course they have reasons as they want to criticize, mock the museum and to "know their enemy", but they must first pay the museum for a ticket to do so. According to their logic, they are paying their "enemy" to learn about stuff that can easily be done through the internet, or better yet, go to a museum that explicitly teaches about evolution, make a video of it, and still support the museum through purchasing the ticket. Hey, go right ahead. Make all the "field trips" you want. It is not helping the "evolutionistic movement." Here is the video that the SAIU (Secular Alliance of Indiana University) made on their trip to the Creationism Museum.

The worst part of this all is how the scientific community just can't understand the massive numbers the museum is bringing in. "What is wrong with these people? Don't they understand the light? They must understand how wrong they are!" The problem is, these people are making the decision even though they are (for the most part) raised in public schools that bombard students with evolutionary propaganda and the intense push for a god-less society. Maybe evolution isn't teaching this "rock hard solid facts" well enough. Maybe they need to bombard people 24/7 with more propaganda? Or maybe they need to realize that people are intelligent, and they do make reasons based upon reason. All this hate for museum is stemmed from anger that "Us Creationists just don't see it their way". It sounds more like religion than science to me.

Oh well. In an attempt to ridicule and hurt the Creation Museum, PZ Meyers has elevated the museum to a publicity level it would never have achieved without his help. A plan that backfired and a perfect example of God in work. Evolutionists can keep on trying to drive the point "there is no God, blah, blah, blah" but they must realize they are in a very difficult battle. People have been trying to do the same thing for 6000 years now, but guess what? The Bible is still around. Christianity is still around. People are believing what the Bible teaches. Psalms 119:160. Atheists in general are a very small group with a loud voice. In due time they will be quelled. Hopefully before they have judgment before our Creator. It is our mission as Christians to keep them in prayer and hopefully we can facilitate the change.

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am writing , or I should say 'creating', this blog from a sort of a "spur of the moment" experience.  As I was laying in bed last night, I began to think and question myself "How can I get my ideas out there? How can I really let everyone know the truth that they are not getting?"  And then it came to me: I make a blog and discuss it there!  This silly blogger account would be perfect to use, as I have had it for years without really using it.  So last night I made  the decision that I would set it up ASAP and get working on decent posts in due time.

Thus, it brings me to my Cisco class.  Right now, I am writing this as the teacher is talking about subnetting and the works.  I should be listening, but hey, I said I had to do it ASAP, and I definitely can't wait till tonight as I am going to be busy (in fact I don't think I will step back into my house until tomorrow early morning) .  This post is more a less a bit more structured introduction to what and why I am doing this, and for you, the reader, to get to know me.

I have been doing a lot of research into Creationism/Evolution debate, and through it all I have realized how passionate I am about learning and teaching the science of Creation.  I simply can't contain myself just reading articles on it. I want to contribute!  To help the cause of Creation!  And this is the only logical way I can do it (remember I am just a student who isn't even allowed to get a job during school year!).  Just to make it clear I am a very firm believer of Creationism through history, science and scripture.  I also understand this blog will not achieve billions of views, or even thousands for that matter, but that is not the whole point of this.  It is here simply for me to contribute no matter how little or how much it does.  

I would also like to note I get a great deal of my information and blog ideas from the following sites: A very good resource site for all Creationism needs. Highly recommend as it very laymen orientated Not as good as AiG, but it still has some valuable information  A very technical site.  Good for people who understand all the terms used in Creationism and science Ken Ham's blog (creator of AiG)  Some very interesting ideas and stories in here.

Aside from the main focus of this blog, it will also help my english riting (I'm just playing; writing) abilities, which truly do need help.  I also am going to actually research, study, write out, proofread, and overall make a quality blog. As of right now, I have no idea how many blogs I am going to put out, but I am planning of about a blog a week as that seems like the magical number for most bloggers.

Final note, I provided a little description about myself in the about me. However, I didn't provide a very in depth detail about me. What I can say at this very moment is I will update my profile as much as I can, as soon as I can. I kinda suck at writing about mes just because I feel so cheesy doing it.  But I guess it is kind of important, so I will hop onto it asap.

I am very glad I was able to get this post out before my day was over, and hopefully I will have my first blog out sometime this week, or possibly (and hopefully) this weekend sometime.
