So, what am I getting at? It is the year 2010, and people still think there are body parts in the human body that have no function, yet the people of about 100 A.D. knew that every body part had it's place.
On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable - 1 Corinthians 12:22
In this passage, Paul is talking about the gifts the spirit bestows on each believer and how every believer is vital to the church no matter how small of a spiritual gift they have. The analogy works beautifully for vestigial organs. Some things may have very small roles to the overall functioning, but they are just as useful to the functioning of the body as any other part. The coccyx can be removed, but it makes sitting uncomfortable. The tonsils may be removed, but it increases chance of infection of the throat. Just like the church, as Paul is saying, you can remove people with certain gifts, but that makes it that much harder for the church to function comfortably and fully -- just like removing the coccyx or tonsils do to the body.
Paul even says:
If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body. - 1 Corinthians 12:19-120
Every part is only important because of the parts around it. What good would a heart be without arteries and veins? What good would a brain be without a heart? Or a heart without a brain? They can't just stand alone and be useful, they have to be in used in conjunction with each other in order to be fully expressed. Just like people with "lesser" gifts from God can't be very useful by themselves, tonsils can't be very useful without a throat.
It is funny how people from many years ago could tell us the answer to vestigial organs today: There is no such classification. These people would know this through the Bible, which is God-Breathed and absolute truth! Instead of evolutionists begrudging admit there is no vestigial organs in 200 years, why don't I just check the book that is unchanging absolute truth!