Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vestigial Organs--Is there such a thing?

To start, the idea of a vestigial organ is an evolutionary term, or I should say, the result of evolutionary thinking. Basically a vestigial organ is any organ that does not seem to have apparent function, but still remains in the body. I should also mention that I am referring to humans specifically. Some examples of vestigial organs are the appendix, coccyx (tail-bone) and tonsils. Through time and progression of science, however, these organs were found to be useful, and not a vestigial organ. Through time, every organ that evolutionists consider "vestigial" will be found to have a function. Just like a cell was originally thought to just be a blob (more or less), we now know has absolutely incredible complexity.

So, what am I getting at? It is the year 2010, and people still think there are body parts in the human body that have no function, yet the people of about 100 A.D. knew that every body part had it's place.
On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable - 1 Corinthians 12:22

In this passage, Paul is talking about the gifts the spirit bestows on each believer and how every believer is vital to the church no matter how small of a spiritual gift they have. The analogy works beautifully for vestigial organs. Some things may have very small roles to the overall functioning, but they are just as useful to the functioning of the body as any other part. The coccyx can be removed, but it makes sitting uncomfortable. The tonsils may be removed, but it increases chance of infection of the throat. Just like the church, as Paul is saying, you can remove people with certain gifts, but that makes it that much harder for the church to function comfortably and fully -- just like removing the coccyx or tonsils do to the body.

Paul even says:
If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body. - 1 Corinthians 12:19-120

Every part is only important because of the parts around it. What good would a heart be without arteries and veins? What good would a brain be without a heart? Or a heart without a brain? They can't just stand alone and be useful, they have to be in used in conjunction with each other in order to be fully expressed. Just like people with "lesser" gifts from God can't be very useful by themselves, tonsils can't be very useful without a throat.

It is funny how people from many years ago could tell us the answer to vestigial organs today: There is no such classification. These people would know this through the Bible, which is God-Breathed and absolute truth! Instead of evolutionists begrudging admit there is no vestigial organs in 200 years, why don't I just check the book that is unchanging absolute truth!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Why Christian Metal Bands are so important

Like most people, I used to detest any screaming whatsoever in music. I thought it was unneeded and just weird and almost...demonic. However, my one of my good friends was into screamo music and would always play it and I would sit there and fake enjoyment. Occasionally there would be a song I really enjoyed, but for the most part I hated it. This all changed when I went on Warped Tour in 2009. I began to have a like for screamo/metal and began searching for bands that were like this. The point of this isn't to tell my story of getting into Metal music, but to show exactly why the Kingdom of God needs Christian Metal Band.

So often I see people, the older folk especially, knock on Christian Metal and even degrade it. Why? I am really not to sure, but I suspect it has something to do with a change from what they are use to. When I see Christian Metal, I see another area where God can speak to people. In a nutshell, metal started off as being a very, very dark genre of music, and which I believe became really popular in Sweden (but that isn't important). The important fact is that Metal used to be basically a devil-worshipping genre at one point, and, in my experience, a lot of the fans of Metal have roots in bands that are borderline satanic or straight up are satanic.

As a prime example, I was looking at some Impending Doom videos, when I came across this guys comment:

This guy is quite explicit in saying his views on Christians. How are we suppose to ever reach him through a conversation without monstrous opposition? It would be very difficult, and maybe even fruitless. However, this guy does go on to say that he loves the sound of Impending Doom--whose message in this song talks about our God and his role:

If you wanna find heaven with me, I will show you the way.
Eternal youth, forever young, immortalize your name.
My foolish heart, put nails through me.
On his day I will be ready.
We are the children of the age, out of control, out of place, we will demolish this religion that you have made.
If you wanna find heaven with me, I will show you the way.
Uphold my name so I can proudly claim yours.
We call you God, but are you king.
Strip me of my status, my everything, immortalize my name.
We are the children of the age.
Out of control, out of place, we will demolish this religion that you have made.
We will battle for our kingdom, we are more than conquers.

This guy that normally would most likely never even come close to a spiritual conversation is now willingly listening to a message of Christ! How amazing is that? God can work in all ways, and I truly believe Metal is one of the forerunners for letting Christ's name be known to all--even those who vehemently oppose him!