Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Power of 1 Corinthians (part 1)

This past week or two I have been reading through 1 Corinthians all the while reading through the New Testament and several passages throughout Corinthians really made it clear to me why there is such a debate about God and the reasons why God debates can get so fierce and drawn out.

Since all absolute truths are derived from God and thusly through the Bible (morality for example), we need the Spirit of God to rightly understand the truths. 1 Cor. 2 explains this idea in more detail. Specifically 1 Corinthians 2:14 tells us that people who do not have the spirit of God (Holy Spirit) will not understand what comes from God. This comes a long way explaining why great minds such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchins will vehemently attack Christianity and Creationism. These two men and many, many others will put full faith into ideas that are mere hopes of scientists who need a God they can control. It takes much faith to believe everything came from nothing opposed to everything came from something or two laws/theories that are in direct contradiction with each other (Law of Entropy and the the Theory of Evolution). Anything from God is plain foolishness to them! It then makes sense why 1 Corinthians 3:18-19 calls men of the world considered wise are actually fools. They can't understand and thus reject the absolute truth given to us from the creator of themselves and the entire universe.

For this reason alone, the great debate will never end. When Dawkins passes away, there will be another great mind to take his place. The best Christians and apologist can do is to give the facts and pray that the Holy Spirit can touch the lives of the people we debate. They simply can't understand what we are saying because the Holy Spirit isn't there to help.